Custom sidebars

October 16, 2010

In this theme you can add your own custom sidebars, this tutorial will cover how to do that.

Step 1: Create a new sidebar

Go to your wordpress admin ( and go to the following page:
Appearance / The Restaurant themesettings / custom sidebars

Here you’ll be able to add new sidebars. Make sure that you don’t use special characters or capital letters here. Once you’ve added the sidebars you want, save the settings page.

Step 2: Add widgets to your new sidebar

Browse to the widget page that you can find under “Appareance / Widgets”. Here you can add a new widgets to your sidebars. If there was an error with the naming of the sidebar (like using special characters) you’ll notice that the widgets you put in your sidebar, will have disappeared after you reload the page. When this happens, make sure your sidebar names are all lowercase without special characters and spaces.

Step 3: Adding your sidebars to specific pages

When you create or edit a page you’ll be able to asign a sidebar to that page under “Additional Settings”. Simply select the desired sidebar from the dropdown and save the page. That all there is to it!

Posted in Documentation

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