
February 27, 2013

Since version 4.2 of this theme, the cart66 plugin is supported out of the box. This means that you will be able to turn this theme into a true eCommerce website!

Step 1: Installing the plugin

If you want to use the theme with the cart66 ecommerce plugin then you need to install this first. Go to Plugins / Add new / Search and search for “cart66”. There’s a lite and a payed version, but both function the same way. The payed version has a couple more option which can be seen on their website.

Step 2: Setting up some products

Once you’ve installed the cart66 plugin you’ll be able to create your products! Go to Cart66 / Products and add a couple of products. Once they have been created you can link them to your menucard items.

Step 3: Linking products to your menucard items

Go to one of the menucard items you created earlier and take a look on the right of the page. In the top right should now be a dropdown where you can select one of the products you’ve just created in step 2. Once you’ve picked one, the price and cart button will be added to that menucard item. This combination will allow you to combine the power of posts with the power of an ecommerce system.

Have fun!

Posted in Documentation

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