Since the release of V3.0 of The Restaurant, we’ve improved some settings for this theme. One of those things is to setup the frontpage widgets under the slider. In this tutorial we’ll cover the steps!
Step 1: Activating the custom home page
To get the widgetized homepage, go to Appearance / Reading and change the setting to “My latest posts”. Make sure that you haven’t selected a static homepage, or the custom homepage won’t show up.
Step 2: Setup your widgets
You can find this under Appearance / Widgets.
As you can see on the right side of this page, you can find a place to add widgets (a maximum of 3) in the “Frontpage Top”. Use the “Custom Featured Content widget” to get the same result as in this demo on the frontpage.
You can also place more widgets underneath the “Frontpage Top”, then use “Frontpage Bottom” to place more widgets!